Inside the Spring 2017 Buddhadharma magazine

The Spring 2017 issue of Buddhadharma is available now. Here is a preview of what you’ll find in the magazine.

By Lion’s Roar


The Spring 2017 issue of Buddhadharma is available now. Preview the magazine contents and sample articles below.

Buddhist Ethics in the 21st Century

The relevance, social context, and blind spots in our practice of sila today.

The Heart of This Moment

The practice of metta doesn’t require an ambition to save the world, says Christina Feldman. It just requires us to bring forth kindness one moment at a time.

How Can No-Self Be Reborn?

Ajahn Buddhadasa challenged the Buddhist establishment with his unconventional interpretation of dependent co-arising. As his student Santikaro explains, he called into question the very notion of rebirth.

The Choice Is Yours

There are two ways to understand dependent origination, teaches Ajahn Buddhadasa. Only one leads to liberation.

Forum: Buddhist Ethics in the 21st Century

Ajahn Amaro, angel Kyodo williams, Pema Khandro Rinpoche, and Noah Levine explore the relevance, social context, and blind spots in our practice of sila today. Introduction by Koun Franz.

The Path of Solidarity

Doshin Nathan Woods considers what it means to stand arm in arm as part of our Buddhist practice.

There Is No Author

When Judy Roitman learned her favorite dharma text was actually a patchwork of phrases and poems lifted from other sources, she started looking into the authorship of Buddhist texts. What she found surprised her.



Let’s Stand Up Together by Bhikkhu Bodhi

In Focus

No Temple Required, by Sam Littlefair

First Thoughts

How Will You Greet the Tiger?, by the Seventeenth Karmapa

We Must Be the Ancestors, by Joan Sutherland

Keep This In Your Heart, by Longchenpa

What Are You Doing Here?, by Rebecca Li

Look At Your Resistance, by Sebene Selassie

Don’t Stop at Samadhi, by James Myoun Ford

Ask the Teachers

How do I reconcile parenting with nonattachment?

Feature Reviews

Heart of the Great Perfection by B. Allan Wallace; Review by Roger Jackson

Book Briefs

Reviews by Rory Lindsay

The Buddha Before Buddhism: Wisdom from the Early Teachings, by Gil Fronsdal

Milarepa: Lessons from the Life and Songs of Tibet’s Great Yogi , edited by Judith Lief

The Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal Harmony, by Bhikkhu Bodhi

For Nirvana: 108 Zen Sijo Poems, by Cho Oh-Hyun, translated by Heinz Insu Fenkl

The Six Lamps: Secret Dzogchen Instructions of the Bön Tradition , by Jean-Luc Achard

The Eightfold Path, by Jikyo Cheryl Wolfer

Asian Traditions of Meditation, edited by Halvor Eifring


Get Off the Bus, by Casandra Luce

Lion's Roar

Lion’s Roar

Lion’s Roar is a non-profit media organization offering Buddhist wisdom and mindful living to benefit our lives and create a more caring and just world.