Category: Environment & Climate
Joanna Macy: Guide for Our Time
Stephanie Kaza reflects on this treasured spiritual guide and landmark thinker. With humanity at a crossroads, she offers us the wisdom, courage, and love for life we need.
Here at the End of the World
Grief is how we love in the face of loss, wrote Joan Sutherland in the Fall 2019 issue of Buddhadharma. Now, in this new time of so much loss, her teaching on coming to terms with grief feels especially relevant.
Is it too late to save the planet?
Some meditators have suggested that it's too late to save the planet, so we should focus on our own spiritual salvation. Zen priest Kritee discusses the concept of "planetary hospice."
Extinction Rebellion activist Mark Ovland on bringing climate activism & Buddhism together
Tynette Deveaux talks to Buddhist Extinction Rebellion (XR) activist Mark Ovland about his decision to join the XR movement.
The End of Ice
Avid mountaineer and former war reporter Dahr Jamail chronicles the world’s environmental crisis for his new book, "The End of Ice."
Can Buddhism Meet the Climate Crisis?
David Loy makes clear what Buddhism offers in the face of climate change. From the Spring 2019 issue of Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly.
How Buddhist monks are protecting a vulnerable forest from illegal logging in Cambodia
Since 2002, the monks from Samorang Pagoda in Cambodia have protected a 71-square-mile tract of forest from illegal logging and hunting.
Smokey the Bear Sutra
In 1969, poet Gary Snyder wrote his "Smokey the Bear Sutra," imagining Smokey as the Great Sun Buddha giving a discourse, in the style of a Buddhist sutra. Fifty years later, the message of the sutra continues to resonate.
Watch Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi deliver UN speech on climate change emergency
At the United Nations celebration in recognition of Vesak, Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi gave this address about our need to confront climate change.
Meet the Blue Dragon
John Tarrant shares what he feels is the most helpful message Buddhism can offer in the coming decades.
Review: “Ecodharma”
We review “Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis” by David R. Loy.
How Personal Grief Connects Us to Shared Compassion
Laura Johnson’s eight-month-old cat died as the 2018 California wildfires destroyed nearby homes. She reflects on how her deeply personal loss opened her heart to society's shared humanity.
Loving-kindness for Litterbugs
Armed with a trash picker and a garbage bag, Lina Blanchet finds an unusual opportunity to discover the sacred nature of life, in all of its guises.
Japanese Buddhist priest joins movement to divest from fossil fuels and nuclear power
“I was taught about the idea of how changing your bank account can contribute to bettering the environment. That was an enlightenment for me.”
A diet for a healthy world
Clair Brown and Pearl McLeod explain how changing your diet can change the world.
Willa Blythe Baker’s advice for climate change activists
Willa Blythe Baker talks to Lion's Roar deputy editor Andrea Miller about how to build a movement that can change the world.
Awake in the Wild
Whether we're in a pristine rainforest or our own backyard, says Mark Coleman, nature is always available to deepen our mindfulness.
Meet the Buddhist Lawyer Who Took the UK to Court Over Pollution — and Won
The earth is our client, says lawyer and Zen priest James Thornton. He talks with Hal Atwood about how Buddhism and the environment.
Land purchased for “Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center” in Colorado wilderness
Next month, a group of Buddhist teachers will purchase 180 acres of rural Colorado land to start "Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center."
Concerned About the Climate? OK. But What Are You Eating?
There are ways within our means to protect the environment, says Buddhist practitioner John Bussineau — including a plant-based diet.